Wednesday, June 25, 2008

The Holy Trinity Tattoo in Hebrew, Back

The Holy Trinity TattooYou think this is just random text tattoo in the back? It is the Holy Trinity in Hebrew. [Source]

1 comment:

  1. Sorry, dude, but that tattoo is really messed up. First off, that's not how you spell Jesus' name in Hebrew. It should be ישוע, with an 'ayin (ע) at the end and not an aleph (א). Secondly, the third part of the trilogy is the Holy Ghost, but what you have written translates to the Ghost of Holiness. It should say רוח הקודש, not רוח הקדוש. Do you see the difference? The waw (ו) should be before the daled (ד) and not after it. Finally, you can't just choose to put the vowels in for some letters and not for others, it looks ridiculous. You can fix that, of course: put in the vowels for the remaining letters too.

    Oh yes, one more thing. The trinity is not "Jesus, a father, the Holy Ghost": it's "The Son, The Father, the Holy Ghost". So the first word should be הבן and the second should be האב.
